Welcome to 2025! Big celebrations! Lots of presents! Change! Lots Of Potential for the New Year! Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! Yesterday it rained all day, forecasts are saying we should be getting some Snow in a bit. That'd be wonderful...For Christmas, I got a 50w Boss Amplifier! I'll be using this to practice guitar more regularly, I'll also install the app on my phone so I can make my sound more dynamic :] My Boyfriend also got me an Air fryer! Super happy with it and can't wait to make so much food with it! Getting to grips with the Oven in my flat as well, it cooks Pizzas very nicely (LOL) Instead of spending New Years with family, I spent it with the other half with his friends neighbours, it was rather awkward (Franz Ferdinand isn't a great choice for Karaoke, they go over and over and over...) I redeemed myself with some other choices! hahaha, I hope you all have a wonderful new year, Take care everyone! <3
Yesterday was Amazing! With the help of my Classmate, I was able to run a Workshop. There were a lot of aspects of it that went really well. In the workshop, I introduced the tools of a guitarist and their jobs to the class, However I could have executed the idea better (e.g. one item, pass to next person, explain as they look at it.) What I did was Give each person the item and explain all of them in one go terribly. There were two groups, The first group was 5 people and it was a bit manic as I had a half-baked idea of what I could teach them. So I let them see the instruments, told them about it, what its job is, etc. And that was essentially it, we let them loose on the Equipment and let them fiddle around with them (I was nervous one kid was going to rip the strings off my Bass, though.) The second group was much easier-going, and much easier to manage. Where the sessions were only about 30 minutes each, There wasn't enough time to teach them something truly interesting. Maybe next time I should explain 4/4 Beat and Tempo. Notes to self; Think back to School, better yet, Do more Research. - A very, very tired, Ekito Sakauchi